Mar 28Liked by My Sister Made Me Buy It

I really enjoyed this newsletter, and I am glad you linked to your post about how you decided to leave your FT job. I had not previously read that newsletter, so I appreciate how much you have shared about your background. I see a lot of similarities in myself and your focus habits. With the 8-5pm back-to-back meetings plus school in the evenings, I am able to cram A LOT into one day. But when I have block of free time, I feel so horribly guilty, like I am wasting my precious free time.

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Yes, it is such a hard cycle to break. But I have been trying to think of it like recovery days when working out. They are just as essential!

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I look forward to these emails because they're from you, ngl I almost never dwell very long on the title!

Team setting timers to remember to pick up your kids, yeahhhh!

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The comment about the 15 shot latte 🤣

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Also made me laugh 🤭😂 I bet the barista is concerned too and wondering if they killed someone.

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You had me at 'raccoon cookie parties' :) I appreciate the candor here. Hope you're well this week! Cheers, -Thalia

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The productivity struggle is so real. I do have ADHD, but at times it has been exacerbated by grief and depression. One of my healthcare providers told me that the human brain really isn’t great at working non-stop for 8-10 hours a day and that the most we can really hope for is 2-3 hour productivity bursts a few times a day. I try to structure my work day where I have at least 2 blocks of 2 hour windows to do the really important tasks that must be done. I take a meaningful break between working blocks. I try to save mindless tasks for later in the day when my energy is lower. My other “trick” when I really do not want to work is to set a timer for one hour. I tell myself “ok just work for one hour then you can stop.” Sometimes, I work for one hour and then stop. But, many times I’ll get into a grove and end up working a little longer. Be gentle with yourself!

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I love these tricks!! I do the "just do ten things" trick all the time.

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Oh I need to try the flat hair clip! Thanks for sharing it. I start the day with my hair down, but it quickly annoys me and I pull it back into a ponytail. I know it's not good for my hair but I don't know what else to do.

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I really enjoyed this update. I am adding to cart the j crew shirt and hair clips!

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Ughh the way you share your grief & the not talked about struggles really helps me …..lost my mom 5 years ago and the grief journey is nothing like I imagined and the added pressure I put on myself to be the same person I was before loss makes it so much harder……while I hate you are on this life altering grief journey. I’m very thankful to not feel alone and be able to better understand it’s just me being a human with a broken heart doing the best I can and that I’m not “doing it wrong”


You could put absolutely anything in the title and I’m going to read because I feel like I’m catching up with a friend when I read your post

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You can call your newsletter something different each week if you want to! You can call it the no-name newsletter! I’m from a marketing and PR background too. For me, I wonder if those jobs exacerbated my perfectionistic tendencies. I say I’m a “recovering perfectionist” and it is better now that I’m aware of it, but those voices, they are loud. Try to be kind to yourself. Some days I kick ass and accomplish a lot. And other days, I don’t. But I’m trying to accept that productivity doesn’t have to be tied to self-worth. It’s a process. Keep up the writing any way you want to. We’ll read it whether it has a name or not. ❤️

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