Jul 15Liked by My Sister Made Me Buy It

I appreciate you explaining how links work! I will be honest, I subscribe to a lot of emails, and with everyone featuring the same sales, I have a feeling a lot of cookies are being overridden, unfortunately.

Also, as a sales associate on commission in a department store (also in Handbags, hi Missy!) I appreciate you reminding people that sales people are there to help you, and also need to get paid for their time by earning commission. The other day a customer asked co worker for an item, we didn't have it and the associate said "I can have it sent to you" and the woman clicked her phone and said "I just did". Well, the store won't be here in a few years if you continue to do that, but ok!

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Jul 15Liked by My Sister Made Me Buy It

So interesting how you make money. Thanks for explaining. I'm going to try that cranberry slush!

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Jul 15Liked by My Sister Made Me Buy It

Thanks for explaining this!

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