May 27Liked by My Sister Made Me Buy It

I lived with KP bumps on my legs for years until I found THE answer - AmLactin Intensive Healing 15% Lactic Acid lotion. I will never be without it again! Now I use it on my feet and armpits as well. Smell is weird but not offensive (like a stack of pancakes???) and fades quickly anyway.


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May 27Liked by My Sister Made Me Buy It

Sarah, tell your brother that we have listed many free things on Craigslist that haven't been chosen! We re list a time or two before bringing to Goodwill. I even listed a shopping bag of unopened Valentine's Day decorations the week before V Day that didn't get taken! We put it back in the garage to try again next year.

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May 26Liked by My Sister Made Me Buy It

Yes!! I always look forward to your "sale posts" on IG and i'm elated that you moved them to the newsletter too :)

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May 26Liked by My Sister Made Me Buy It

Okay! My job is in sales, and water is ALWAYS an example in sales training because it is literally free, and yet some people manage to sell bottled water. So I am just here to say you should feel like the best saleswoman ever because you have achieved the mythical ability to sell water that has been featured as the top tier of salespersonship in every single sales training I have ever attended.

Also, mom here and I learned after having kids (of course) that I'm not a baby person. Give me a big kid any day. Funny, comprehensive, puts on their own shoes and wipes their own butt, and IMO, still very very cute.

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Hahaha. Ans I has a reel go viral over it too 😂

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